0401 696 052
3/4 Torca Terrace, Mornington, Victoria, Australia.

Susumu Ryu Budo Jutsu
For ages 13 & above, this class is a
no-nonsense, hard martial arts class.
Susumu Ryu - To Advance
We do make contact. You will sweat. You will be fitter than ever before. You may bleed & vomit but you will grow, you will learn and you will be forever different.
Your ego will perish but your confidence will grow with your skills.
With skills and techniques from multiple martial disciplines, frequent world class guest instructors for classes and seminars. We are not competition based and work with our focus on journey rather than destination.
This is not a class for a quick black belt but the lessons learned in this class will improve every aspect of your life.
We spar, throw and grapple nightly.
Ego usually lasts about half way through the warm up!
Our motto is Mizo No Kokoro, Iwa No Mi which translates to Mind Like Water, Body Like Rock.

Addiction Muay Thai & Kickboxing
Beginners to Advanced
The class starts with a fun yet solid warm up and stretch. Basic techniques are drilled. Fitness, footwork, defences, offences are all drilled on pads and bags.Advanced techniques and combinations are drilled for the senior students.Regular Sparring is supervised in the ring. Competition fighting is available for the right participants.Classes are physically demanding but loads of fun.Gradings are done periodically.

Kids Budo
This class is designed for kids aged 6-12yrs.
The class is physically demanding - there will be sweat & we
The kids learn skills from Karate, Judo, JuJutsu, Kobudo & Western Boxing.
We are very strict on discipline and although we aren't there babysitting the kids or rewarding them weekly with certificates, belts and trophies however, the kids get a great sense of enjoyment from it through their commitment, diligence, persistence and increased level of skill, fitness and self belief.
There is no quick road to black belt here. This is a serious martial arts class for kids and parents that want to learn good skills in multiple disciplines, along with learning martial virtues. A great deal of the adult teachers started training in this dojo from a very young age and have found that the skills and values learned have helped them achieve great things in their own lives.
We encourage the parents to be a part of the club and ensure the kids understand that martial arts shouldn't be considered a "sport" that is done seasonally. It is a way of life with a set of values to live by.

Kinder Karate
This class has been designed for kids aged 3-6yrs. We teach basic co-ordination, basic gymnastics, basic etiquette and formalities, defences and striking, takedown techniques and disengagements from common grabs and restraints. The kids learn exercises to build strength and we are strong on discipline.

Weapons Training
Fudoshin Ryu Kobujutsu is a weapons class teaching full syllabus in -
Hanbo - 3ft staff
Bo - 6ft staff
Jo - 4ft staff
Tanto - Knife/ Dagger
Tonfa - Swing Club
Yawara Bo
Katana & Wakazashi
Improvised Weapons
This class is open to all grades, all styles & disciplines.​
Prior interview required before commencement.
All Laws involving restricted and prohibited weapons are strictly abided by.

Our World Class Facility
Available on Application
Full use of our commercial gym and Infrared Sauna for long term members.
Private training available in all Disciplines. Personal training available by qualified trainers to assist in you reaching your goals.
Meal Plans available.
Online Training Available.
Discounted supplements available for all members.